Time To Renew
We thank those that have renewed their 2024/25 membership.
If you have not yet renewed, we ask that you help the office staff prepare for the High Holy Days by renewing your memberships as soon as possible.
Click the login-in icon on the top the web-page to access your account to renew your membership.
High Holy Days - Information
In Support of Israel
(Click to arrow to expand/collapse text)
Dear Beit Rayim Family and Friends,
We are shocked and heartbroken by the Hamas terrorist attacks that took place in Israel over the holiday of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Such a massive and calculated attack has not been seen since the Yom Kippur War that took place 50 years ago, almost to the day. It is during such trying and devastating times that we must come together in a supportive, peaceful and vocal way. As a community, Beit Rayim stands strong and steadfast in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, family and friends, and all the people of Israel.
At this time, we are especially mindful of all our Shinshinim who are currently fighting in the IDF, as well as all those who have been called up as Army Reservists. We pray for their safety and security.
As Canadians, we support our political leaders who have expressed their clear understanding of the horrifying terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas. We add our voices to their condemnation of such actions, as well as their support for Israel in this most challenging of moments.
Together with all the Jewish people, we pray for the full recovery of those who have been injured, and for the safe and immediate return of all those kidnapped and held captive. We grieve deeply with the families who have lost loved ones.
Let us raise our voices to support the people of Israel and stand ready to offer assistance however we can.
Am Yisrael Chai.
Rabbi Dr. Rachael Turkienicz Adam Horowitz, President
Meet our Rabbi
Rabbi Dr. Rachael Turkienicz
Rabbi Dr. Rachael Turkienicz is excited to join Beit Rayim, and continue to support the growing Conservative community in York Region.
Are you interested in joining Beit Rayim?
Please contact Irv Siegel for more information.
2024/25 Beit Rayim Hebrew School
Our new ONE DAY program
Sunday mornings
Whether you're a returning or a new family, our award winning Hebrew school welcomes you for the upcoming academic year!
Click here to begin enrollment for the 2024/2025 academic year!
The Stern Family Yahrzeit Memorial
Many people want a loved one to be remembered in perpetuity.
Honour your loved one with a digital memorial yahrzeit plaque for a one-time donation of $180 to be listed on The Stern Family Yahrzeit Memorial.
This beautiful tribute to our personal histories will be in our Sanctuary each Shabbat, displaying digital plaques for the weekly yahrzeits. On the High Holy Days and Yizkor services, member yahrzeits will scroll continuously for all to see.
For more information, to purchase your listings, and to view and search the digital yahrzeits CLICK HERE
As featured on the CJN Daily Podcast:
May their memory never buffer: Synagogue yahrzeit memorials are going digital
Mon, 16 September 2024
13 Elul 5784
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Service : 9:00am |
Havdalah : 7:58pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Sep 25 |
Nov 4 |
Nov 6 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tavo
Shabbat, Sep 21 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Sep 20, 7:00pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Sep 21, 7:58pm |
Erev Rosh Hashana
Wednesday, Oct 2 |
Vaughan Jewish Community Campus
UJA Federation has changed the name of the campus, from the Joseph and Wolf Lebovic Jewish Community Campus to the Vaughan Jewish Community Campus.